Miami's Marketing Blog

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Calendars to Scheduled Success

April 18, 20231 min read

Most SMBs think they want leads but what they really NEED are actual booked appointments.

Online Scheduling / Booking has hit the mainstream market!

- Did you know Calendly is now valued at $3 Billion Dollars!?

The great news is, using our platform along with the smartphone app you can now take apiece of the pie.

The Challenge is Scheduling is just ONE piece of the Puzzle

Scheduling is critical but Single-function apps like Calendly are just a piece of the funnel. A critical piece that clients struggle with.

Our Smart Calendars

  • Quick and Easy to setup for your business.

  • Great for 1 person/company or large teams.

  • Personal Calendar connection.

  • Take Reservations.

  • Businesses that only run one service at a time.

  • Pay for Booking, with Stripe Enabled, you can't make an appointment with out paying for the booking, a great option for clients who need to have Paid Appointments.

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The Marketing Lab is a full service marketing agency in Miami, FL purposed to help businesses thrive.


Miami, Florida

Made with Love

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